Psalm 146:5-6 5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,
6 the Maker of heaven and earth,
6 the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them—
the LORD, who remains faithful forever.
The emphasis is mine. Because when I looked up the words that were whispered to me, not only did I find what I was looking for. I also found a reminder...a promise from the Lord, who remains faithful forever. Faithful to take care of me. Faithful to help me organize my days. Faithful to guide my steps and direct my path. I find a reminder that there is no reason to be overwhelmed and frantic. There's no need to spin in circles...because God is faithful and my hope is in Him. And if I can just remember that...and focus on that rather than the busy-ness of life...it's all easier to handle. It's all the same stuff...all the same responsibilities and concerns. It's just that when I hope in the Lord...and remember that He is faithful to me always...I realize that He is right here with me. That I am not going this alone. That He cares about everything I care about...if it matters to me, it matters to Him. And He's there to walk through it all with me. Wow...amazing when you really think on that. That the awesome God of everything takes the time to consider little, whiny, fretful me. And not only does He consider me...He loves me. And taps me on the shoulder...yet again...reminding me to slow down...to wait up...and to walk WITH Him and not ahead of Him. It makes me breathe a deep cleansing breath just thinking about it. Slow down. Wait up. Your hope is in Me. And I am faithful...because I love you. -love, God.
hope. I have seen that word now today on several blogs including mine. hope. my hope is in Him too.
Faithful. Its a wonderful word.
One we need now.
Hello there! Just catching up and seeing what you are up to today... and let you know I stopped at 4 oranges :) mandarine oranges that is :)
Life has many speeds.. I was just reading about making sure to "set up a tent" in the mist of it all for that quiet time. Sometimes it can be like setting up a tent in the middle of NY City.
Take care and I love your photo on this post.. and the dandelion too.. so pretty. I think I may have spelled dandelion wrong. When will blogger get spell check on the comments???
With love,
thank you for this beautiful post - very timely for me. :-)
i'm going to bed now and what wonderful words to think about and remember. so easy to forget.
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