Philippians 1:3-4
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy
I noticed the other day that there are quite a few more people who have clicked on the Follow button for Give a Girl a Fig...and I just wanted to say, "Hello...and welcome!". Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit awhile.
I also want to thank those of you who visit regularly...and who take the time to comment. I love comments! It's like one big conversation...and you all know how chatty I am! So..it's perfect for me! My only regret is that I can't respond to each and every comment. Blogger isn't set up in such a way that I can reply like I'd like to. I'm not sure why...it's the one bummer with Blogger. (Or maybe I just haven't figured it out yet? Anyone know how I CAN respond to all comments? I'm all ears...) Thank you...and please know that I appreciate you. I really do. For whatever reason, the knowledge that you come around now and then makes me feel good. Like an impromptu visit from a neighbor...it's always nice to share a moment or two. Too bad we couldn't enjoy a cup of tea together...with milk and honey, of course! Anyway...I just want you to know that I see you. And I read every comment. And I am happy to receive them. And if you come here and haven't commented yet...please do. I'd love to "meet" you...
Well,right back at you Michelle.
Just a little impromptu visit from you neighbor in Montana,wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Well, hello there. Again. Always glad to stop by for a chat.
Michelle, getting emails on comments and responding to them has been a big concern of mine for a while. In fact, I've just been dialoging with another blogger about this today! In my "Blogging for Dummies" book - yes, that would be me and yes, I have that and I think they have a book called "Blogger for Dummies"- it reminded me to change some settings.
Go to your dashboard and click under Settings, then Comments. Next, be sure that you have your email address in where it says comment moderation AND at the bottom where it says Comment Notification Email, put in your email address. See if this works for you to get emails which you can respond to. I'm going to give it a try as well.
Having blogger friends is like having pen pals - only BETTER!
Unfortunately, the reply/comment mechanism on blogger is not a great as it is on lj, for example. I usually email each person back (if I have time and if they provide an email address). Some bloggers replay to comments in the comments section.
your welcome : ) It is always a nice visit when I come to your house.
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