Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Someone gets a present!

Congratulations to dmoms of this is my life! You guessed that this ball of string had "something to do with baseball" and you were right!

This ball of "garden string" is actually the innards of a baseball. It was all wound up into a ball and then covered with leather and sewn together. Reggie, our dog, got a hold of this poor little baseball and chewed the leather to smithereens leaving this little ball of string. I was going to toss it in the trash...but instead tried to figure out a use for it. Aha! Garden string! Perfect. Reuse. Recycle. And when it's done helping me in the garden, into the compost it will go to become food for next years garden. I love it!

Hey dmoms! I need your mailing address again. In all of my "organization" I misplaced it. Sorry!

And good job on the educated guess...you are very observant!


Anonymous said...

that is so funny. i asked josh and he said no, but i went for it anyways : )

I might still have your email but really, don't worry about it.

A Friend Across the Miles said...

Well, I'll be. I never would have known...

Wren said...

Good one! I always wondered what was in there. Golf balls too...