Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tale of two boys.

The other day I was inspired by another blogger to take photos using color as a starting point. I decided to start with blue. So I went around the house and took pictures of the little bits of blue in each room...
...the kitchen.

My room...
Ian's room...

Seth's room...
And the front of the fridge...this sweet little elephant atop a very good report card.

As I was looking for a photo to post for today, I decided on this one. A photo of a paper elephant and a report card. The more I looked at this picture...the more I loved it. It's a representation of each of my boys...the scholar and the artist.
The scholar: Seth is an amazing young man. He's been calm since the day he was born. Not a lot gets him too worked up. He strives to get good grades on his own because it's important to him. He's already thinking about college! And I am so glad. He gets straight A's. He is taking advanced courses because he wanted to. He plans his time wisely when it comes to school projects such as reports, Power Point presentations and speeches. He is choosing to stick with band in high school...because it's good for scholarships and there is the possibility to travel to places like Hawaii and New York. He's so brave and adventurous and outgoing. He's an extrovert...preferring to be around others as often as possible. He's very social...and not afraid to just walk in to a situation on his own. He's driven...and I am so proud of him.
The artist: Ian is one of the most creative people I know. His mind is constantly ticking away with a creative thought...something to build, something to draw, something to take apart. He's constantly considering and figuring out how a certain something works. And he often succeeds! It's amazing how technical and creative his mind is. We got him an erector set for his birthday and after he created something from the directions...he used the extra parts and made his own creation. And it moved and ticked and worked! Amazing. Ian is more of an introvert. He is a thinker...and can sit in his room with his Lego's or his erector set or a movie camera and projector and create, create, create. He's made videos. He's made working cars. He's made Lego scenes that will amaze you. I'm always impressed with what his mind can come up with. And sometimes I wonder how he sees it all...he sees things I don't. And I love that about him.
Isn't it amazing how two little people can be born into the same family, yet be so completely different in every way? I am awed by this daily when it comes to my wonderful, amazing, sweet, thoughtful, caring, smart, creative, generous, lovable, affectionate sons. And I thank God every day that He has entrusted their sweet lives to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's great that you took the time to write this. I love thinking about my kids and how they are such unique individuals. Your boys sound like amazing little men. I just finished a book on boys - This is My Son - if I remember correctly. It is all about raising boys to become responsible men. Not an easy task these days but very important. I'm trying with my son but he makes it tough some days. He is like your second son but also an extrovert. He has many good qualities but a few bad ones too - like the mess he calls his room.