Thursday, March 25, 2010
Nellie enjoyed her chance to be in the limelight. Libby usually hogs the camera lens...but in a rare moment, sweet Nellie was able strike a coy pose. Isn't she pretty? I just love her... is barreling down the road at about 100 miles per hour lately. Between school and work and baseball's all I can do to keep up on...anything! The floors are dirty. The laundry is piled. The dishes are piled. There are piles of paper to be dealt with...mail, bills, lists, photos. Piles! I can't seem to get a grip on the "pile" issue. I may just have to resolve myself to the fact that I am a piler...and just go with it. I've fought it for years. And um...I'm losing the fight! The boys are home on vacation this week and next. It throws a bit of a wrench in my machine...but it's working out OK so far. I go to work in the morning and leave them a small list of chores to take care of while I'm gone. Then I come home in the afternoon in just enough time to drop Seth off at the ball field. I come back home...change clothes...grab a snack...then head back out to his game. We usually get home around 7 or so. Unless Ian has a game...then it's more like 8 or 8:30. And hopefully I have something for us to eat when we get here. Not a whole lot lately. We've been eating junk...or "carnival food" as my friend calls it...which I think is hilarious! I've been off from my school this week. We get one week off in between sessions. I'm still not even sure what I'm taking...and I start next week! In the past week or so I've decided (well, almost decided) to change my major. I'm thinking of switching from Social Science to Liberal Arts. Liberal Arts makes more sense for someone who wants to teach. Three of the classes for the major apply toward the credential...which is a bonus. I just want to make sure it's the right decision. I really don't want to waste any time or any money. I just don't have a lot of either to waste! So...I need to make a decision by tomorrow. Pray for me on this...would ya? On that note, I suppose I should go toss in a load of laundry...wash some dishes...and get ready for work. Today is my Friday. Sort of. I work at our office on Friday's. But my boss is pretty nice to me...not to mention pretty cute (hi honey..are you reading today?) so it's not a bad gig!
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I'm looking forward to spring break next week, just so I can catch up and get organized for what is ahead. PRAY for me! Our family has never done sports (3 girls) and we are doing swim team for the first time. We'll be out every night for two months from 6-8. Add a 30 minute drive to town and another 30 back. Dinner will be crazy and bed time out of whack. And when will I blog? Add to that a Senior who is graduating. All the extra events and such. Dear me! I'm going to have to be SUPER organized. I'm hyperventilating...
Oh! And tell Nellie, I think she's a super star! Picture perfect!
Amy and Michelle, You can do it! Just remember to breathe and talk it all out with God as you go. My. I need to take my own advice. Let's do it together!:-)
She is a pretty gal, she looks like a Southern Belle! Good luck winning the battle with the house, once you are losing ground it is so hard to get back on top!
I'm a piler too. I don't mind it too much... as long as they're organized piles, I can cope. But I've really put an effort into NOT piling the dishes. I started a system where they get done constantly so they never pile up. It works for me.
I will be praying about your decision... God will lead you to the right one. :-)
Oh my, you're b.u.s.y. But in a good way. Sorry about the piles. I've discovered one on my kitchen counter this morning. My goal tonight is to eliminate it. Just take it out. If it makes you feel better, I'm going at 100mph too. You may have noticed...only one post in the last week.
Awww..I just LOVE Buff Orpingtons! They've got such sweet personalities. I've been putting so much time into the garden that I haven't had enough steam left over for the house! That's what rainy days are for, and we're getting one tomorrow so guess what I'll be doing..
Beautiful portrait of Nellie.
Sometimes it feels as if life is just sound so busy...a good busy. I hope you can get a few moments of relaxation in all this. I really admire and respect you for going back to school Michelle- that is no small task.
Have a great friday(I mean thursday)
your chicken pic's are always so good. I was just out taking pic's of mine.
hang in there my friend. you are very busy. hope you are staying well.
Ho God, I have piles of everything to!
Next week, next week I will unpile :)
Have a great weekend!
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