I want to send out a HUGE Thank You to those of you who have purchased my photo note cards in support of my trip to Belgium. Some of you purchased for yourself. And others have had giveaways on their blogs. And it is so wonderful and it warms my heart...
I also want to extend another HUGE Thank You to those of you who have made donations to The Belgium Fund. I have to say, adding that Donate button wasn't easy for me. But I did it. And you responded. BIG TIME. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't say it enough... Stay tuned for some new designs being added to the shop. There's more to come!
I am blown away by your support and generosity. Thank you SO MUCH.
I missed something somewhere, Belgium Fund huh? Sounds like a great goal Michele! I must go peek at your shop...can you make your photographs into actual wallpaper? Now THAT would be cool!
great news.
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