Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday in the Word.

Luke 19:10

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”

Lost. That's me. Lately. Going this way and that. Headed one direction only to spin on my heel and head the other. I see something...and chase it. Then get distracted by something else...and it begins to chase me. I think one thing is best...only to realize it wasn't even an option. Or at least it seems not. Not now, anyway. Or maybe not ever. We'll see.

If you don't stand for'll fall for anything. You've heard it. It's so true. I know what I stand for. I do. I just don't know where I stand. Or where I should stand. I want certain heart desires a way of life...certain things to do...but my world doesn't match up with my heart. None of it is lining up. It's crooked. And bumpy. And full of road blocks. Constant road blocks. Constant. It's tiresome. And frustrating.

Today I am tired. And lost. And grateful for a savior. And safety. The only thing that is certain...Jesus. And the knowledge that when I am lost...He seeks me. And He saves me...every time.


Lisa Gallup said...

I'm so glad we are friends, Michelle! I wish we could sit down face to face and talk. :)

Sandy said...

Are you sure we're not sisters?

Eliza J said...

Jesus is the only sure thing in our lives....we all have struggles and get worn down. Chin up kiddo ~ you have a lot of friends praying for you. You put your trust, where it belongs.

Wren said...

What a lovely passage. Thank you.. For I believe I am wandering too.. Maybe I'll bump into you? : ). Thinking of you..

Sheryl said...

amen & amen..

and HE sends friends like you into my life!!