Thursday, April 7, 2011

today's laundry list...

Betty wants to know if you've signed up for the GIVEAWAY yet? No?
Well, what are you waiting for?! Go here for your chance to WIN!
(This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it.)
Welp, it's Thursday. Starting tomorrow the boys are off for the next two weeks...Spring Break. (Remember when it used to be called Easter Vacation?) It'll be nice to let them sleep in.

I have been busy lately...busy making some changes here at Give a Girl a Fig. As soon as I'm done I'll give you the Grand Tour.

I've come across some new things that I wanted to share with you.

Have you heard of Mad Hungry? It's my new favorite cooking show hosted by Lucinda Scala Quinn. She's down to earth; she makes good, easy, healthy recipes; she's got sons; she wears cute tops. And just the other day she talked about home remedies...simple ones like ginger and chicken soup...the usuals. She was instantly my new favorite. I appreciate her outlook...

I've mentioned a time or two...I love to make things. Always have. Always will. Years ago I was very involved in online art groups...but stepped away from them for years. Well...a few weeks back I was invited to do an art project with my friend Lelainia. She reminded me of an art exchange site called Swap-bot. Have you heard of it? I'm enjoying it so have to be selective in the swaps you choose. But so far I've had good experiences.

My friend Sarah recently started her own blog and a few weeks ago she asked me to write a guest post!  So I did...but then I forgot to link up! (Sorry Sarah!) Pay her a visit...let her know you came by.

Hmmm...what else?

Oh! I thought of one more thing...wanna win ANOTHER giveaway?! My friend Amy is giving away a book, Sourdough from A to Z. If you want a chance to win head on over and leave a comment!

I guess that's it...for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else's how my mind is working today...feeling a bit scattered...and chatty!

And don't forget to sign up for the GIVEAWAY...the winner will be chosen tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

I do watch Mad Hungry. I just really like her style. Hope you are having a good day!

You Can Call Me Jane said...

I LOVE the photo. It reminds me of how whenever I seem to try to take a picture, Sam tries to stick a hand or foot or face in front to get in it. That's what it looks like she's doing. Either that or she's like Miriam and is saying "I see! I see!" which means she wants to see her picture before I even get a chance to take it. Oh dear. Why do my children remind me of chickens and vice versa?! This may be a bad sign.