Monday, April 4, 2011

We moved the coop!!

Joined in on the Barn Hop!
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We finally had some time (and good, dry weather!) this past weekend to do some work around the house. One of those things included relocating the chicken coop!
Two years ago, when we first got The Girls, we put their coop and pen in a small empty dirt area right outside the side entrance to the garage. It was a space that had bad soil, shade all morning, direct late afternoon (HOT) sun...all around a weird place to try and grow anything.


Not to mention, it was convenient to the garage where we store their food and have running water. We figured it was a perfect place for the chickens.

Or was it?

What we did NOT consider when getting chickens and putting them so close to the house was the issue of FLIES. Oh my...YUCK. We love having chickens. But we do NOT love the flies.

As it turns out we have another big, ugly dirt area in our backyard. Come to think of it, our whole backyard is big, ugly dirt. And a big, obnoxious pecan tree. But...not for long. Moving the chickens began a domino effect of plans for our yard, plans we've been wanting to do for a long time but haven't done for one reason or another. At one point it was lack of interest. Then it was lack of time. Then it was lack of money. And on and on it goes.

But those reasons are no longer valid...and we are ready for a backyard we can live in and enjoy.

So the plans were made and was like giving a mouse a cookie...

Moving the coop led to...
Expanding the garden (more on this soon!) led to...
Getting pecan tree removed led to...
Adding sod and sprinklers led to...
...a nice finished backyard that we can actually enjoy. Finally.

And being the woman of the house I always see things as so simple..."Hey Honey! Let's just move the chicken coop today!"

6 hours later waiting on posts to set in concrete so
they're sturdy enough to install fencing.

*cricket cricket*'s not that simple. It takes time...and energy...and resources...and help from my hubby! And that's fine...I'm good as long as I know we are making progress around here. And we are...slowly but surely.

As for the empty space where the coop was? I'm not sure yet. Grapes? Berries? Herbs? I don't's a weird space as far as sunlight. But I tell you what...the soil sure is a lot better thanks to The Girls!!

 Do you have any recommendations for a morning shade/afternoon sun
location in a Zone 9 garden?

**Hey...I just came across a GIVEAWAY at Forgotten Way...they're giving away a copy of Making Herbs Simple! Pay them a visit, take a look around, sign up for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

nice work! more pictures please :) can you believe that we have had our chickens two years now?

Mavis said...

#1 What bread is Betty? She's lovely...

#2 Plant pumpkins...

Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

Hi Mavis...thank you! Betty is a Barred Rock. I love the speckly feathers. Originally I wanted Wyandotte's...but as is turned out the feed store had Barred Rocks at the same time they had the I went for it. They're great...don't mind being held (much)and are good layers. xo

Nancy said...

every home project begins a domino effect. i know all about that. can't wait to see pics of the progress!

Wren said...

I suggest bees...
Just kidding!

Congrats on the backyard overhaul! Can't wait tod see more! Happy gardening!

Unknown said...

One thing always leads to another, especially outdoors!

Thank you so much for your condolences and support last week, it was truly appreciated. : )


Mavis said...

Thanks... One of our baby chicks "Martha" is a Barred Rock... they're so pretty :)

Carissa Anne said...

Your chickens are beauties!
"Being a woman of the house I always see things as so simple."

Almost spit my coffee out on that one!

That sounded just like me. I announced to my husband this weekend that the two lilac bushes needed to be transplanted and that the dead pines trees were coming down. Then I asked him if we could rent a sod cutter to expand the garden. We can fit all of that in in one day right? ;-)
