Saturday, July 19, 2014

it's that time again...

We're taking Seth back to college today. He's going to move into his rental and work full-time until school starts. He wants to save up some money. I'm so proud of him... But as always...I'm sad to see him go.

Ian's still gone with his friend n their summer adventure, he'll be home at the end of the month...I miss him like crazy. A month is a long time.

When we return tonight we will be "empty nester's" for a couple of weeks. Both of their rooms will be empty. This time Seth's room will not only be empty, but will also be torn apart as he took his bed and dresser with him.

As always, I'm so happy that my boys are growing and maturing and spreading their wings. But as always, I can't help but mourn my loss. So bittersweet, isn't it? It must be a mom thing, a parent thing, to be so happy for our kids and so proud of them...yet so sad, all at the same time...

{"My husband is awesome!!" <---- My husband wrote that. I stepped away from the computer for one minute and my husband decided he wanted to help me blog. I was hacked!}

But yes...he is awesome...thank goodness for his sense of humor and his ability to make me laugh. I think I'm gonna need it these next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Denise said...

you must be so proud of your boy! And, humor is always a good thing :)