Monday, January 2, 2012

one word.

Happy New Year! It's 2012. A few days ago I mentioned wanting to choose one word to represent this coming year. When I first thought of it there was a word that popped into my head...but I quickly dismissed it. For one thing, I thought it was kind of a boring word. It wasn't a word I'd want imprinted on a charm or tattooed on my ankle. (No...don't worry...I'm not considering a tattoo...been there, done that.)

For another thing...I was feeling a bit pessimistic about the coming year. I didn't have the excitement and hopeful attitude I did when 2011 rang in. this word entered my mind I shrugged it off...and waited for another word...a better come to mind.

In the meantime...the original word kept showing up. I would hear it. I would see it. I kept thinking about it. It was everywhere...and it was clear that it wasn't going away. So I gave in...and I prayed about it...and I realized that it was the perfect word for this coming year...


Yep. That's it. That's the word. Possible.

"Everything is possible for one who believes.” - Mark 9:23.

What is impossible with human beings is possible with God.” - Luke 18:27.

I can't wait to see where this leads...


Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

Yeah the whole showing up thing is the universe affirming it for you. It's a great word. It's full of potential, just like the new year.

teekaroo said...

That is a great word! Much better than the one that comes to my mind: survive. :) Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Possible is a GREAT word. Mine would be, "Aware." I think I go through each year unaware of so many of the blessings that surround me. Sadly, I probably take them for grated. This year, however, I am not going to let that word pass me by without being more grateful and aware of what and who surrounds me.
Great post. As always.

nancy said...

what a great word for 2012! the possibilities are endless.

Wren said...

Happy New Year! Wishing you all the the possible-best!

Mavis said...

I think it is possible to grow 2000 lbs of vegetables this year. :) Anything is possible Figgy. Anything. Happy New Year!

Aisling said...

ooooh, exciting!

Jennifer said...

my word came to me that way too!

i think your word is entirely you.