Friday, January 13, 2012

ugly hallway + empty wall = personal art gallery

{this wall makes me happy every day.}
{"blue elephant" by Seth, age 3. 1998}

{"one-eyed stick man" by Ian, age 3. 2001}

{want more details? click here.}

Once upon a time I had an ugly, empty wall in the hallway. I also had some beloved art pieces I wanted to hang....some things made by the boys, some photos taken by me, some Etsy art I'd bought over the past couple of years.

But...for the longest time I couldn't jusitfy the expense of mats and frames and such.

Then one day, Aaron Bros. had a penny sale on frames and I had a little extra money...the end.


Anonymous said...

oh, this made me laugh. i am glad it brings you a smile :)

Nancy said...

i have the girls artwork framed in our entry. love it. like you said, it brings a smile every day. love the one-eyed stick man!

Laura at By the Bushel said...

Lovely. I adore that typewriter piece you mentioned recently. Art can hide the ugly necessities (thermostat.) I barely even noticed. I used to hang a piece of art directly over an plug that was very poorly placed. It made me happy. Have a blessed & beautiful weekend, Laura

Wren said...

So sweet. I've so been wanting to do a picture wall either above our bed from our travels. You just may have given me the inspiration to get to it! Looks great Michelle!

. )

that was a one-eye-stick man smile.

Tonia Conger said...

This grouping is lovely. Just lovely. The one-eyed stick man? So cute. Can't wait for my Clementine to make art for the walls.