Looks impressive, doesn't it? Cute, reusable bags from a popular and trendy organic food store. Looks like I mean it..and know what I'm doing...doesn't it? Looks like I really care about the world...and the environment. It looks like I am really doing my part...wouldn't you say?
Well, doesn't it help to actually use them? I mean, I use them. I take them with me to the beach..and to baseball games...and when we go out of town to carry our hotel room snacks. But I never, ever, ever remember to take them to the store with me! Ever!
Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Maybe I need some of those bags that stuff in a little sack that attached to your key ring. Then I'd have no choice but to remember them.
Maybe something like this cute pink one...it just screams "eco-friendly" doesn't it? Well, it screams something. Maybe I should consider the green one...or black. No need to be all obnoxious about it!
Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Maybe I need some of those bags that stuff in a little sack that attached to your key ring. Then I'd have no choice but to remember them.
Hmmm... I've had those same thoughts exactly. I always remember at the check out counter and I've been known to send an older child of mine out to the car to fetch them on occasion. The Chico Bag is a lot easier to carry in my purse. I bought a bright orange one so I would see it and remember.
I hang them by the door to the garage and STILL forget them.
We hang ours on our coat rack by the door, so when we grab our coats, they're right there. It doesn't work so well in the summer, but maybe by then it will be your new routine:-).
I love your new header, by the way. Beautiful.
When ever I need mine...I can't find them...we use them like you for the beach or library books etc. But always when I am at the checkout...it's the same thing "paper or plastic" I hate that...I have to stuff them in my pocket or something next time I go to the market.
I miss Trader Joes...sniff.
This was one of my goals for 2010 and by changing where I stored my bags, I've been able to achieve my goal. I've used them every time I've gone to get groceries. Keep them in your car. When you carry them in, unload them and take them right back to your car. Don't wait. It will feel so good to always have them at the ready.
oh my gosh, I was just at trader joe's yesterday and thought about buying that same bag. I did bring my own bags - the red ones. I just liked the look of that one : )
hahaha i can totally relate!!! i have all the different trader joes bags (arent they so cute?!) but I ALWAYS forget to bring them with me...so i end up buying more, or using regular bags! Grrr..
i do use them to take my lunch in everyday so thats something..lol
ps THANK YOU, your comments mean SO MUCH to me!!! Thank you for speaking truth to me today. God spoke through you and i appreciate you so so much.
I have so many reusable bags and never have one when I actually need one! I keep telling myself to put them in the car, but does it ever happen?
Oh girl, you crack me up! I never remember my bags. Like Amy, I've been known to send the child out to the car to get them. Or they're in my house - still - from the last time I actually remembered them. I can't even count the number of times I've piled my purse (really, it's huge) full of my purchases so I could avoid using a store bag. I do get funny looks for that one though...
I used to leave them in my car. And by that, I mean forget them.
Now my children steal them to play grocery with and they are covered in dog hair. I can't get the stuff off, and there is just something gross about dog-hair covered grocery bags. I need some smooth plastic ones instead of the fibrous hair magnets.
Would keeping them in your car help? Just thinking out loud here...
I've never been in a Trader Joes. Gosh, the bags look really cool. Much cooler than the ones from Smiths. Those are downright UGLY. Almost embarassing to carry them into the store.
Happy, happy weekend to you, Michelle!
I finally had to make a rule for myself that I would not, under any circumstances, bring plastic bags from the grocery store. A few trips without any bags, and it became habit to bring the reusable bags.
have you thought about reusable produce bags, too? I love mine. :-)
Story of my life! I keep forgetting to bring these to the supermarket and then feel awful afterward when putting away the plastic bags...(which I must admit are good for throwing away dirty diapers).
Hi Michelle,
It's Laurey, your Aunt Lisa's friend. Your blog is wonderful.
You are a girl after my own heart.
Gardening, the Word, gorgeous junk!
Thank you so much for your funny, informative, vulnerable writing. Reading along is like a mini vacation.
God Bless
It took me a good two years to finally get into the habit. I think the only thing that helped was that wee had to take back our returnable glass milk bottles to the coop. If it wasn't for that I'd still have trouble! :-)
this is so me too! i have all the right intentions and a ton of 'green' bags from everywhere, they use to float around my back seat until i put them in the trunk, still i don't remember them, ever! i only remember when i get up to the check stand to check out and then feel so bad! glad i am in good company! i need to put something on my grocery list to remind me because i always manage to grab that!
bye the way, i am loving your 'close up' headers. so cool!
lol...I do the EXACT same thing...forget to bring them in the store. What I do now is...I have them put the things I buy right back in the cart...without bags...and then I re-pack it into my own bags when I get to the truck. Takes time but might (maybe) help me start remembering to actually take my bags with me!!
i was in total envy when i saw the trader joe's bags. we just got a trader joes' this year, well, it's an hour away, but i thought i was going to pass out when i went in there.
not that mine are ugly they are from the grocery my mom goes to in Canada and they have giant pictures of blueberries and artichokes on them.
i keep them in the backseat of the car and then always yell back, grab the bags girls and they gather them all up off the floor.
though like you, i have a favorite stripey bag that produce fits in perfect, but we started using it for swim lessons, so well, oops. nothing like produce with the smell of chlorine!
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