Monday, January 9, 2012

today is the day.

Rocks on the beach at Donner Lake. is the day...I start my new job. In an hour no less.

I wasn't nervous last week. But today? Just a little...

I'll be fine once I get's just the getting there that's making my stomach flutter a bit.

The boys are back in school...I miss them. They'll each be gone for 10 hours between school and sports. Being back on the regular routine is making me a little sad. Vacation is always so nice...

No matter matter how I feel or what's going on...the bottom line in all things...God is good. And everything in our lives is in the palm of His hand.

I'm grateful....for all of it.

Happy Monday to you...xoxo


Anonymous said...

you will do just fine. your boys do have a long day - wow. they love it though. a good day for josh is most of the day spent away from home. let us know how your day went.

nancy said...

hope all goes well for you today. be sure to report back.

Jennifer said...

hope it went well. i'm quite sure it must have.

ditto d and nancy, let us know!

Lisa Gallup said...

I hope your day went fabulously! xoxo