Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Day of Rest...?

the girls...pining away for the days they could roam the yard, free as a...bird

It is pouring down rain today! (And you know I love it.) On the one hand, it's a good excuse to lay low, take some quiet time and relax. On the other's putting a damper on our backyard progress. Although, since Chris and the boys installed our sod last weekend, maybe that endeavor can count as TWO work Saturdays!

Although...the day isn't a total bust as far as home improvements go. So far we've:
  • watched 3 landscape shows on HGTV
  • looked through 4 or 5 library books to get some inspiration for a trellis and a walkway
  • drew out some plans for both
  • designed a small bathroom cabinet to store things like towels and tp so we can finally get rid of the "chrome" rack we bought way too long ago that is now slightly rusty...and not so slightly UGLY.
I have to work at the bookstore tonight...the closing shift. So it seems my day is almost being spent just waiting to go to work. But...I'm going to make the best of it and get some more stuff done...laundry, beds, emptying the dishwasher and maybe a trip to the library. Or Old Navy. Or both. We'll see if I actually get motivated to get out of the house on this rainy day before I actually have to.

For now I'm going to enjoy the rain and be thankful for the free water it's providing for the garden and our new beautiful sod. (I'll share more pics later this week!)


Nancy said...

if i were you, i think i'd stay in til i had to get out. i made relaxation time a priority today - - poolside with another mom. much needed girl time :)

Anonymous said...

oh, nancy's comment sounds good.

Hey, I have been thinking about my ladies - now that we don't let them out in the yard, I am just not sure. Like maybe they need farm life.

hope your night at work went well.


Hey quit hogging all the rain. Send it down this way. Lovin' the cool weather.