Friday, May 27, 2011

The gall!!

on the Bay Bridge...San Francisco in the distance...through a dirty window
It's always something. What's UP with my health these days? Or should I say lack of health? When we rang in 2011 I was so excited for this new year...this new start. I was so sure that this was going to be a good year...a great year...THE year. I began doing yoga...began incorporating a few other healthy changes into my life...was feeling good...and then BAM. Sick...flu...pneumonia...asthma...maybe I should have just stayed unhealthy!

What's wrong now, you ask? I am having mild gall bladder issues. That's my self-diagnosis, anyway. (I research this and that online and suddenly I'm a health professional!) They started yesterday morning. I went to the natural food store and got some cleanse capsules. I'm watching what I eat. No soda. No fat. No sugar. I drank lemon juice this morning. It's all helped. And lessened the intensity (if you could call it that) and frequency of the discomfort.

Anyone have any other natural remedies for gall bladder woes? Anything you've done at home that worked like a charm?

*disclaimer* The pain is not severe. It is uncomfortable. I am not feverish...or doubled over. I am having some don't worry, or freak out.  If this discomfort becomes unbearable...I will go the ER immediately. Until then, I am going to do what I can naturally.


Unknown said...

Michelle, I'm sorry to hear about your gal bladder. Sounds like you're on it though. Perhaps a detox of some kind would help?

Kelly Cook said...

I'm a similarly proclaimed health professional too! I've not had gall issues, but my dad had his removed a few years ago. While he doesn't follow the advice, what I've read is to eat smaller, scheduled meals, and take hydrochloric acid. That's if the gall bladder is gone, not sure if the same applies for discomfort. I hope you feel better soon and that natural remedies will help!

Anonymous said...

Don't mean to be flip, but maybe the changes you made weren't all that good for you after all. Just thinking out loud....

teekaroo said...

My sister gets gall bladder attacks when she eats too many fatty foods...

Anonymous said...

yes, I am like teekaroo's sister. I have had issues after eating high fat pasta sauces and cheeses. pesto really does me in. i just can't eat that way.

i hope you do feel better soon though

You Can Call Me Jane said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well again...just please be careful. I always think about my first ectopic pregnancy. I thought it was something else and was planning on riding it out. Thankfully, I had a midwives appt. scheduled and I got the help I needed. If I had let it go on, I might not be here. This is NOT meant to scare you. You are a bright, intelligent woman who knows how important she is to everyone around her. I care lots about you is all:-).

Mari said...

Poor thing. I had gallbladder issues about 6 years ago or so, and opted to take it out. Haven't ever regretted that one.
But know some that have pain off and on and do natural things to ward it off. Some say to totally stop eating at night around 6-7pm - cuz the worse it hurts if you do. I used to make a batch of this tea to drink and it helped some, but I don't remember the recipe. If you really need one, I can email the gal I got it from.
Praying for you sweet thing. They aren't fun to deal with.


Aimee said...

I have self-diagnosed gallbladder issues, too! I've noticed that I can't drink anything with a high fat content and sit for a while while doing it--that combo really is bad. I've also found that ginger beer--or even just one regular beer--followed by a period of not eating (a few hours) really does the trick. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

Charissa Steyn said...

Ahh I know how you feel...I too have had mysterious health things going on. Praying that this will all clear up the natural way and ofcourse JESUS is truly the best healer!