Friday, December 31, 2010's here. And it's gonna be good.

I don't know that I've ever entered into a new year with such a feeling of...expectation. Hopeful expectation...but with more of a knowledge that it is going to be good. 

For many of the past years I've entered into each new year with the hope that it would be better. But it was a pretty generic hope. An unsure hope. And as I hoped on the outside and looked pretty convincing...on the inside, I was more of a wince. I entered into each new year with shoulders shrugged and holding my arms over my head at the ready to fend off anything hurling it's way toward me.

That was then. This is now. And I honestly believe that 2011 is going to be good. And that the excitement that I feel...the real. It's from deep inside. It's like it's coming straight from God's heart to mine...a direct shot of goodness and hope...from the Father.

And you know what else is really cool about all of this? The expectancy...the goodness...the hope? Many of YOU are feeling it, too. It's like it's in the air...or the water. 2011 isn't about hoping with a wince. It's not about going in ducking and dodging, afraid of what's to come. It's about going in with chins up...shoulders back...and sleeves rolled up, ready to get in there and make things happen. It's about an unshakable hope...the gift of hope from God...and knowing that He is good. And that He has good things in store for us. And that we need to be open...and ready to receive from Him, in whatever form it may come to us, in 2011.

Happy New Year...


Elyse said...

Happy New Year beautiful friend.

You Can Call Me Jane said...

I'm right there with you. Beautifully said. Happy New Year, friend:-).

Mari said...

I couldn't have said it any better friend. You are so true, and I am very excited about this New Year filled with expectant HOPE too!

Can't wait to travel it with you and see how God unfolds our stories.


Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

I'm with you, I feel that surge too.

Mavis said...

I found a penny on the ground today... that's a good sign :)

Nancy said...

you got that right, girl! expectation. good stuff.

Lemongrass said...

Peace and Blessings for the coming year, taking one day at a time.
My hope for the coming year is to grow my own figs and berries.
Keep on the is inspiring.

Unknown said...

Came over form Kristen's - lovely photo. And yes, 2011 is full of hope for me too.

Kimberly said...

YES!!!! 2010 was a hard year of moves and change. Even though there is one more move this month, I am soooo excited for it!