Sunday, February 15, 2009

Stormy Sunday afternoon ramblings...

It is COLD outside today. Cold and windy and rainy. I think that's
officially "stormy"! And I am loving least now that I'm inside and done
running around for the day.
I took this picture the other day...after a rain. I hadn't really looked around out back to see what's been going on this winter. It was nice to see some life in my marjoram... and rosemary and sage...and the Meyer lemon's not doing too bad either. I am looking forward to digging in the dirt and growing some food!
I've got chili simmering in the Crock pot...and that makes me very, very
happy. Nothing like knowing that dinner is cooking itself and all I have
to do is add some cornbread! Nice.
I've also got my youngest and my nephew playing with Legos in one room and my
oldest and his buddy playing trumpet and bass in the other. Needless to
say, this is not a quiet house at the moment! Which is a shame...because I could
use a nap!

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