Tuesday, October 4, 2011

misty and grey...

I'm pretty sure fall has finally arrived. And I couldn't be happier.

It's sprinkling outside right now...and come to think of it, I think the boys walked in the rain. Oops! (Maybe it wasn't raining when they left?) The flower photo was taken over the summer...it's part of the cut your own bouquet at the farm stand...so pretty. A nice shot of color before we enter into a world of black and white.

My thoughts are pretty fragmented lately. I blame my busy schedule...and this weather...from hot to cool, dry to wet, not a lot of warning...par for the area I live in. But it still takes me a while to acclimate, it seems.

For the first time in a long time I find myself feeling a little sad that summer is over. I made BLT's for dinner last night...sliced up two fresh, juicy, delicious tomatoes from the garden...and realized that it was going to be a long winter without them. Growing your own has a way of changing your mind set. Who knew a garden could be a cure for the blues?

I've been writing poetry for the past week or so...maybe two. I don't consider myself a poet. I am too wordy.. :) But since it was an assignment for creative writing I had to write a poem...and so I did. It wasn't amazing...or wonderful...only slightly poetic. We'll see what the class has to say during workshop/critique time in class...talk about the hot seat! I let Chris read it...he thought it was good. He "got" it. That was nice..

The weird thing about writing poetry is that I'm finding that I actually like it. Writing it, that is. And reading it. Although, admittedly I am a very picky poetry reader. I don't always get it...or feel like trying. It was helpful that my instructor assigned a book of poetry written by an old instructor of mine, Quinton Duvall. His poems are amazing...he had such a gift of being able to use every single word effectively. Not a word went to waste when he wrote...

Another weird thing about writing poetry is that I find myself thinking in poetic phrases...or hearing certain things differently. Like describing the weather...misty and grey...today, those words are a fact. But they could also be used in a poem...or at least I think so. I'll try anyway...and see what comes out. I think that's what I like about this new way of expressing myself...poetry...I start with one thought, and end up somewhere else entirely. Like an adventure... Or therapy.

What do you think? Do you read poetry? Do you write poetry? Do you have a favorite poet to recommend?  Do tell...I'd love to hear your thoughts...



Trez said...

Hi Michelle! I sometimes write poetry. I think I mostly think about the fact that I should be writing....

My favorite poet is Pablo Neruda. It's his poem, "Tonight I Could Write the Saddest Lines" that Sixpence None the Richer recorded, that drew me in. Something about that poem, the way he talks about love lost, that stirs my soul.



There once was a farmer from Nantucket...
No no no.

Black & white? Nonesense. Fall and winter are bursting with color. Let's enjoy these seasons while we can.

Anonymous said...

i don't read or write much poetry. I applaud you though for doing so. and that flower is beautiful!!

Jeannine said...

I love poetry! (Mostly modern poetry and for some reason, I have a whole slew of favorites about ... vegetables! Who knew produce could be so poetic? LOL!)

Poets.org is a wonderful resource. They have daily poems, you can search by "theme" or just poke around. They have a good mix of old and new.

Poetry has made me a better reader and a better "see-er". It makes me pay attention.

I work at writing poems. It's a slow process, but I enjoy it. I don't share them and maybe won't ever, but the process is enough for me for now.

Best of luck with your writing adventures! xoxo

nancy said...

my grandmother read poetry all the time. she exposed me to it but now I don't read it much. maybe i should take it up again.

Jennifer said...


i love poetry, bite size reading material that packs a big whallop.

i love Kahlil Gibran and of course Mary Oliver. I actually just bought Mary Oliver's book on writing and understanding poetry.

i just read an article that said all poetry does not have to have great meanings or emotions, sometimes it's just about how green the grass is on the baseball field.

if you continue you should share, i have been writing some, but then i always write well when it's short little bits.

this writing class seems to be providing you with a lot to think about and work on. good stuff!

Alice said...

I love poetry, but haven't written any in many years. I dearly wish to pass on a love of poetry to my kids. Shel Silverstein has been a great first poet for my children and I do hope they go on to explore more as they get older.