Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Even the pets are asking...

Are you ever going to blog again?

Yes. I am. It's just going to be a little less regularly. Between working part-time and going to school one night  a week and doing hours and HOURS of homework...not to mention running these kids around, planning meals, doing laundry, feeding those pathetic little animals up there, buying groceries, dusting, vacuuming and mopping the occasional floor...my time here is a bit limited. 

My time for photo taking is limited, too. And I find that when I don't have photos to share, I don't write. I rely on my photos to give me a jumping off point for posts. So...no photos, no words. (Hmmm...I may be onto something. Maybe I need to use photos as writing prompts for my Creative Writing class? I am having the worst time writing what I'm told to write. Stubborn.)

So I'm still here. But I guess most of my words are going toward homework assignments. And trust me, you do NOT want to read those. Borrrrr-ingggggg.

Bear with me while I forge through this time of change in my life, will ya? I have to say, I'm really excited about everything...school, work, working with kids. It's a lot of work...and making me sleep really well at night. I am feeling so much more accomplished each day knowing that I am one step closer to my goal. A goal that I've put off for far too long. But that's OK...better late than never. And really, this may actually be perfect timing.And maybe someday, when I'm teaching in my own classroom, knowing in my heart that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be, I'll look back and be able to see that none of my time was wasted. And that every moment had a purpose...


Anonymous said...

oh, I figured as much. You sound SO good!! I am so proud of you friend.

teekaroo said...

You've been much better at posting than I have and you have so much more going! What a great attitude to have.

Michelle said...

Keep doing your important work. We'll be here when you get back. :)


Shannon said...

This made me chuckle...especially the photo of your dog and cat. The expressions on their faces...so funny!

Totally relate to this time of year and adjusting to new schedules. I'm looking forward to reading more when you return :)


I have noticed that most blog posts that I follow have reduced output lately. We all must be finding life responsibilities demanding more of our attention. And that's fine to be out there living life. I enjoy your posts whenever you find the time and inspiration.

Nancy said...

well, look at you...miss busybody! so glad you're pursuing your dream of that college degree. what a great example for your boys to see. and yes, every moment does have a purpose; none of them wasted.