Monday, August 8, 2011

What are you doing? {aka: the post in which I get a bit preachy.}

The other day I was putting in (yet another) load of laundry. Laundry is that chore that just never goes away, right? Laundry is endless. Never done. Always multiplying.

So...I'm adding a load of clothes to my new washer (that isn't working very well, by the way...but I'm trying to focus on the least I'm not using a washboard or a rock.) and I find myself grumbling. I find myself being bored...and feeling like life is just so mundane...and wondering, "Seriously? Is this all there is to it?" ("It" being life...)...and suddenly being reminded of something I read in a book years ago.

Essentially it said this, "Whatever you are it unto the Lord."

Washing yet another load of laundry? Do it unto the Lord. And...while you're at it...thank the Lord for the family He's blessed you with that dirties up all that laundry.

Picking up your sons' stinky socks...for the hundredth time? Do it unto the Lord. And...while you're at it...thank the Lord for those sons, that they are in your life and that they are healthy and active enough to dirty up those socks.

Rinsing off a plate that someone left in the sink for you to take care of...even though you've asked them to load their own plates into the dishwasher? Do it unto the Lord. And...while you're at it, thank the Lord for that loved one that dirtied the plate. And...while you're at it...thank the Lord for the food that dirtied it up.

Vacuuming...again....for the 3rd time this week? Do it unto the Lord. And...while you're at it...thank the Lord that you have a home that has carpet and not a dirt floor...and that you are physically able to push a vacuum that has plenty of electrical power to make it work.

And the list goes on and on...

The bottom line is..."Stop complaining." I am reminded, yet again, of this. I am reminded to stop complaining and to be thankful. I grumble too much...and God is calling me on it. Every time. And I am being reminded that whatever I do...I need to do it for Him. To bless glorify Him...and to be all things.


Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

Before enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water. (Buddhist proverb)

There is a sacredness in the mundane. If you allow it to be, routine becomes meditation. It just takes some reframing.

One of the ways you serve the greater good is in ministering to the needs of others. Sometimes "the others" are your family members. Mistering is the way you give back to people who bless your life in ways big and small every day. We just forget this sometimes because it can feel like invisable work. In truth, it's not invisable at all. The all knowing sees you.


You Can Call Me Jane said...

I think I need to be reminded of this every day. I am particularly weary of all there is to be done today. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful in everything.

"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thess. 5:18

Anonymous said...

preach it sister. and, count it all joy too right :)

WhiteStone said...

That's how I became the "toilet paper servant" at our house...nobody else put the new roll on the holder, so after complaining and being angry about it, I recognized that this is one little way I can serve my family and at the same time be grateful for having them in my life.

WhiteStone said...

I forgot to add that once I changed my attitude, the resentment disappeared. And I'm still putting the new rolls on the holder. It is good to take on a humble task and thank God for the opportunity. Good for the soul.

teekaroo said...

Thank you. I needed that today. -Brought tears to my eyes. I am truly blessed.

Nancy said...

always good to be reminded of this. why is it easier to find the bad than the good??

check out my status on FB. the book i mentioned is one you would really enjoy. i highly recommend it!

christina said...

i so needed this today. great reminder!

Chris said...

Thank you for the reminder! :-)

Faye said...

Yes, these trivial day after dat routines can get you down, if you let it. I despair sometimes of picking up my husband's clothes. He is retired now; why can't he pick up his own things! I remind myself that it was I who spoiled him when he was working by doing these chores for him. I try to be thankful that he is still with me and not deceased, as some other's husbands that I know of. Praise God for all blessings, big and small!

tinapuntasecca said...

I am really enjoying your blog, and this is exactly what I needed to hear today. Griping about the dirty kitchen is taking time away from loving my family, and from being grateful to God that I have them. Thanks for posting this.