Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday in the Word

Instead of their shame
my people will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace
they will rejoice in their inheritance;
and so they will inherit a double portion in their land,
and everlasting joy will be theirs.

Isaiah 61:7

I've shared Isaiah 61 before. And I know I will share it again. Isaiah 61 is one of those life that speaks to you over and over and over again...saying something new and just a little bit different each time.

The first time I jotted down a date in Isaiah 61 was in 2004. I highlighted verse four, "...they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." and then I wrote something next to it. It says, "For Noni."

Then again in November of 2005 after someone prayed for me.

In 2007 I attended a women's conference and verse 3 leaped off the page at me, " bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes...".

Then in 2009 I marked it three times. Once while doing a bible study, once when praying about going to Belgium on the ministry trip and once after having a dream.

I dreamt about a little sheep that crawled into my bed and laid down next to me. I was mortified. It was dirty...full of hay and stickers. I didn't want it near me but the more I tried to move away the closer it snuggled in. Eventually I realized that it just needed a safe place to rest. So I let it stay. And once I stopped trying to get away from it all the dirt and grime disappeared.

In 2010 a friend prayed for me at the altar at our old church and while she prayed I saw a a little movie running in my head. (Stick with me here...I know it sounds like crazy talk.'s not. Trust me.) It was a beating heart bound in chains. The chains were the type you'd use to lock up a chain link gate. The heart kept beating and beating and beating and eventually it broke free of those chains. It was amazing. A message from God that we don't have to stay bound forever.

And now here it is, 2012 and Isaiah 61 is being brought to my attention again. It's this week's focus scripture for the bible study I'm doing. Joyce Meyer focused on it on her show yesterday morning. When I woke up this morning I was thinking about it.

I love Isaiah 61. It's one of my very favorite scriptures. And since it seems to be something God really wants me to get a hold of, I think I am going to focus on it for a while. During my quiet time I will read Isaiah 61...slowly. I will read verse by verse...maybe even line by line. I will soak it in...drink it up. And store it in my heart and mind.

As I type this I am finding myself getting more and more excited about this new idea. I feel like I finally have a direction. For quite some time now when I sit down to read the bible I just don't know where to turn. But now I do. That feels good.

Anyone want to join me?

1 comment:

hanna said...

Yes I'll join you. Life has been rushing by and I've been missing my time in God's word. This morning I picked up my bible for the first time in a while. Isiah 61 sounds like a good place to start back into a very VERY GOOD thing. Bless you. xx