Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday in the Word

Esther 4:14

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

"For such a time as this"...isn't it amazing to know that God has sent us here, to this earth, to this city, to this Internet, to this blog, to this school, to this job, to this grocery store, to this LIFE....for such a time as this?

I often joke that I was born in the wrong era...that I should have been a woman in the 40's or some other simpler time. And sometimes I really believe that! I wonder what I'm doing here, in this time, in this era, because so often I just don't feel like I fit. 

But the truth is...I wasn't supposed to be born in the 40's...or any other time for that matter. I was supposed to be born in 1967...I was supposed to be a woman now. I was supposed to be this this world...for such a time as this. And so were you.

We aren't here by accident. We were planned. We were created by God...and sent to the DO something. To make a difference. To believe in Him. To love Him...and praise Him...and worship Him. And to tell others about Him.

We are here because God has a plan...and we are part of it. It's time to take this seriously. It's time to listen to God...obey His commands...and do what He sent us to do.


Anonymous said...

interesting - I re-read your first in the corner before reading your post. Can't help but thank that was for a reason :)

have a good day!!

Anonymous said...

verse - not first!! not sure why I typed first.

Leslie said...

Very good reminder. I was recently told that God had me in a certain place for a reason. It was hard to swallow because I don't really like the place. I know it is true, and I've slowly been embracing it. Sometimes these things don't come quickly, do they? Reminders like yours are encouraging.

Unknown said...

So true!! When we embrace this we can actually start living for Him and how He wants us to! Thanks for sharing this wonderful truth.

Unknown said...

So true!! When we embrace this we can actually start living for Him and how He wants us to! Thanks for sharing this wonderful truth.

WhiteStone said...

And it is a privilege! To be here! For such a time as this, for this home, for this family, for this town. A blessing!

Dave said...

Crazy. We were just talking about this passage last night in relation to so much going on in our own lives and in the world generally right now. Always funny how God seems to hit a chord in His Word and it plays in so many hearts simultaneously. No mistake. A small little book, OT and not often thought of or looked at or paid much attention to, but ... for such a time as this.... what is God saying to us? And what are we doing about it?
Love You Niece in Law!

Nancy said...

what a wonderful verse! and it is so true. i often times forget that i am where i am supposed to be according to his plan.