Friday, January 2, 2015

one word for 2015

  1. 1.
    a thing intended; an aim or plan.
    "she was full of good intentions"
  2. 2.
    the healing process of a wound.

For the past several years I've chosen a word to live by, or rather, the word seems to choose me. I don't think about it every single day...and I need to write it on a sticky note so I even remember it...but still I choose one, and still it seems to play out in my life.

This year the word that popped into my head (without hesitation) as I considered what the word for 2015 would be is...intention.

This year I will focus on living with intention...spending time intentionally...aiming for things, setting goals, and planning my time better.

Originally I thought the word was intent...but when I looked up the definition for intention it included that part about "the healing process of a wound". It kind of caught me off guard...I'd never heard of the word intention used in that way before. But it caught my attention immediately, and I knew that intention was the word, and that part of the plan for 2015 is to heal some old wounds. Apparently it's time.

How about you? Have you chosen a word for 2015? Care to share what it is? Leave a comment and let me know what word you chose...or what word chose you. If you blogged about it...please leave a link to your blog, I'd love to visit!


Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

That's a good one. WHere you focus your attention, there lies your intention.

I think mine is Carpe Diem. My son gave me a beautiful mantra bracelet for Xmas with this on it, so I'm just going to go with it. It will be a daily reminder as I wear it. Really, it is how I live my life-seizing opportunities as they arise. I want more of that in 2015.

Camille said...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment at my place Michelle. It's always lovely to hear from you. Ah, the one word for the year...I have never done it before. However, I have given it some thought in the first few days of 2015 and Purpose seems like a fit. It's similar to yours...Intention and Purpose do go together, don't you think? May the Lord give you the ability to follow Him wherever He leads throughout 2015 and may you know His loving hand upon you and yours. Happy New Year! Hugs, Camille