Monday, December 31, 2012

on this last day of 2012...

I will...

  • take down the Christmas tree.
  • wash bed sheets.
  • dust.
  • go to the country store for chicken feed.
  • go to the grocery store for black eyed peas...pretty sure I already have a ham hock.
  • think and pray and decide on my One Word for 2013. I may already have it...but I need to make sure. 
2012 has been...interesting. Both good and bad in so many different ways. And at the risk of sounding pessimistic, I will admit, I'm not sorry to see it go. Even though I don't feel ready for 2013. I can't quite put my finger on why

Maybe because I have no idea what to expect. (I know, we never do, but somehow, each new year, I feel like good things will happen. This year? I don't feel as sure.)

Maybe because I know that 2013 is going to require a lot of work and a lot of discipline. 

It's also going to involve BIG change in particular...sending Seth off to college in the fall. And for that, I am not quite ready. 

Either's all going to happen. 2013 is going to be here whether I'm ready or not. Seth is going to go off to college whether I'm ready or not. Life is going to go on whether I'm ready or not

So I may as well get ready..I may as well live it - rather than fighting it. 

I think I will add to my list of today's "to-do" list...get will only make my days easier, don't you think?


Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

Really loving your blog banner. So pretty!

Happy New Year Michelle. We don't connect as much as we used to, but I do read your blog all the time.


Wren said...

Wishing you all the best in the New Year! It's snowing again .. Sending you a snow angel! Hung out my wash in a foot of snow. It froze solid - but boy it smells good!

rhondajo said...

Prevail! No matter what may come we must prevail! Thank you so much for not only the beautiful photos that are always so artistic, but for the many words of wisdom that always speak deep to my soul. :)