Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm ba-aaaackkk....

Whew. That was a rough go of it last week with the computer broken! I am quite reliant on my computer now that I'm taking online classes...not to mention my attachment to this blog and all of you who share it with me. I will say though, it was a nice break from the from the Internet. I realized that I waste a lot of time looking...for...what? Just looking, really...wasting time...zoning out...escaping. And honestly, I don't have TIME to waste! I need to use every bit of my time wisely. Don't we all? I complain about not having time to do this, that or the other thing...but if I'm more careful with my time, and I don't waste it...then...well, you know.
So we've got our new computer...I'm back online...but I have no pictures. They're all on the other computer and I'm just praying that they can be retrieved. Things will be a little quiet around here for a while...I'm going to scale back on computer more organized with my files...and be better at prioritizing my life. I've missed you...and appreciate the encouraging comments and emails. It's good to be back...


You Can Call Me Jane said...

Welcome back, dearie:-).

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you realized how much time you got back with out being online. I am changing my "blogging priorities" too. I can blog/read blogs only after doing what needs to be done first. First we work then we play : )

it helped to really limit my blog reading list too!

missed you. xoxo

Unknown said...

Missed you, too, friend!! Welcome back to blogland!

I'm having to cut back a bit as well - daughter #1 graduating, you know. Just two more weeks!

Hoping your pictures all appear - thank goodness for flickr since you have some stored there! I really need to back mine up. A friend nearly lost all hers a couple of months ago. I can't say I haven't been warned.

Mari said...

Sorry about the computer fun. I pray you stay streamlined and organized as you recreate. These are one of our love/hate relationships, right?
Glad you are back with us were missed.

Anonymous said...

glad you are plugged back in! you are right it is so easy to get sucked in to this vast space! good luck organizing your new pc and i hope your pics are there!

Nancy said...

I can so relate with needing to unplug from this computer for a while. It's so easy to get sucked in. Glad you're back:)

Erin Wallace said...

Welcome back ! I had that happen where I lost all of my photos on another computer. Horrible thing. I'm hoping that you can get yours back.

xo - Erin

It's me ...Mavis said...

The computer... it's a love/hate thing isn't it :) Glad you are back.