Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday in the Word

lettuce...we need to eat it soon.

“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your
great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”

Jeremiah 32:17

Note to self: Nothing is too hard for God.

Why do I forget this...over and over and over?
Why do I let the worry creep in and steal my days?

It all boils down to trust...
Do I trust You, God? Do I believe You? Do I?
Yes. I do.

But then I get going...I run in circles...I bumble through my life...and I lose focus. I begin to think on troubles and not on You. I fret. I worry. I let it take over.

Then I remember to pray. (Why do I wait?)
And I hear You whisper, 'Do you trust me?"

I do trust You. You are trustworthy.

I trust You and I believe You even if I forget sometimes. The best part is that when I forget You are right there to remind me that You have it all under control...that I, and my family, are in the palm of Your mighty hand.

You promised. And I believe You.

Nothing is too hard for You.


Jennifer said...

I thought the other day driving home, why do I let myself get so sick with worry with things when I know 9 times out of 10 nothing happens and why can't I remember that in the midst of it all.

And that even in that 1 out of 10 time it's hard but somehow I get through.

I guess I am learning more and more each day where that strength comes from, thanks again for reminding me :-)

christina said...

i had to remind myself this very thing, the other day. it brought such comfort to read it here.

BahamaDawn said...

i have to remind myself of this over and over and i dont know why because God ALWAYS come thru for me. thanks for this post!