Friday, May 31, 2024

Dusting off the blog...


Has it really been nine years since I last posted? NINE YEARS? 

Time sure flies...

A lot has happened since I last posted in 2015...

I started working full-time for the school district. I finally earned my bachelor's degree. I accepted a job teaching special education. I fumbled my way through the 'vid. I resigned from my teaching job. We sold our home of 23 years. And we moved to East Tennessee.

So could say things have changed a bit. 

I am glad to be back in this space. I've missed it. I am looking forward to dusting off this little old blog and writing again. I am looking forward to dusting off my Canon and doing photography again. (I put it away when I got a "smart phone".) 

I don't know if blogs are still a thing. At least blogs that are actually written by a real person and not generated by the big, crazy internet. But I'm hopeful. And I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes...